The Economic Truth

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What will the outcome of a global system crash be?

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System failure?

Have you ever thought that the way we live today could ever change? Well history tells us that we will fail. A FIAT Currency system that we use today goes from a implementation of the system usually after a gold standard in a semi FIAT currency and then it takes over as the governments and banks prints too much money and they cannot afford to stay accountable to gold as they are bankrupt and then they will go to a currency backed by you paying taxes in that currency!

system failure

We are now at the end of this currency system as we have seen 1000’s of times throughout history. The French revolution started because of a FIAT Currency system. John Law invented it and at the end people just used money to make money and after they printed too much people had no money left to afford food and the French Revolution started. A great example of this is the Arab spring. If we take a look at how much money was used to buy food goes in an excess from 40-80% of your income a revolution and a toppling of the current government happens.

We need to wake up to and understand that today’s system is falling apart. We can’t live like this and it has always destroyed itself in the final phase the financiallization phase where one are making money with money and doesn’t have to work or create something of real value! Article: Global derivative has hit over $1.200T Dollars!!

corrupt bankers


Why does the system fail?

Here it is the $250k question which Economist Paul Krugman is paid to figure out why we have inequality. Well I have a $1 answer for you or I actually rather take a Currency that is limited in supply and can’t be printed!

Here comes the answer to why we always talk about growth and you need to beat inflation!

unfundedliabilities vs gdp

If I had the only $1000 in the world and you wanted to borrow them from me. I would say I would love to lend the money to you, but I have to charge you interest 1%. Well you might ask: How am I going to pay the interest when that money does not exist? Don’t worry I will print the interest out of thin air and then charge you interest on that interest as well.

Can you see now how it works? There will never be enough money to pay of the interest charged as the money gets printed out of thin air. And also above you can see that all money is debt. And that means there will be no money in existence if we pay off all the debt and we would still owe interest if that happened and therefor the system is flawed and a pyramid scheme and that is why we always need growth to find more and more borrowers in order to pay off the ever increasing interest payments!!


Is there a plan when the system fails?

Here are a couple of the options to have been put forward by people and experts on economics world wide.

  1. Gold Standard
  2. SDR’s Global FIAT Currency System
  3. A Basket of FIAT Currencies
  4. Chaos

Here are some of my proposals as I have studied more than just the past and have found several potential alternative systems:

  1. Time Banking
  2. Crypto Currencies
  3. Resource Based Economy
  4. A Publicly owned Central bank “With legal responsibility to not print money unless the people owning it accept it.”
  5. Islamic Banking system “No Interest charged”
  6. Bartering
  7. A True Anarchy
  8. Commodity backed currencies
  9. Local Coupon Currencies
  10. A Truth Based Society
  11. A Energy Backed Currency
  12. Going back to live as a hunter gatherer society

freedom to choose

There are many different systems available for us and I think that there are a lot of great options and we might even be able to run several of these different societies and systems side by side!


Above are over a dozen different options! Now it is your turn to take a look into what society and system you would like!

My personal favorites are Resource Based Economy, Free Market Economy, Anarchy, Gold Standard and Crypto Currencies. I am for freedom and more freedom for people means a lot less government control over our daily lives. In order to successfully have a true revolution not like the French revolution or the more recent ones in the Arab spring or Ukraine where the current failing system just gets replaced with politicians using the same system just getting your vote by luring you in thinking you will see change!

revolution of mind

See if we don’t know our options there are no possibility for us to choose freely. Education is key and on our webpage you can study multiple systems that can be applied to society. You just need to find the system of your liking and find societies who and fellow humans who want to live that way!


Our global FIAT Currency system is maxing out and with bankers printing currency with money making money schemes like Fractional Reserve Banking and Derivatives we are seeing a closer and closer move towards a quick system failure. The powers at be might want to come up with a solution that benefits them, but we have to put our foot down for our freedom so we don’t sell out to a corrupt system! Get together with your local community and have discussion groups around the world about different economic options!


It could change the course of society locally and even globally forever for something more positive and maybe even sustainable!

Become the leader and create that revolution!

John Thore Stub Sneisen

The Economic Truth


Author: stepstoyourdream

Hi everyone, I am an up and coming leader in Personal Development and business. I am a very excited person on this planet. I have become aware of that we have the possibility to do anything we want in life. The only one who stops us is ourself. I have a goal in life to help 1000 people all over the world reach their ultimate goals and dream. I want to leave a legacy for 1000`s of people to know that I were the one to help them dare to go out of their "comfort zone" and go for the best out there. I can`t wait to meet millions of interesting people from all over the world!! So lets grow a friendship, business relation, Increased awareness and lets go for the best. "You are born a 10 and you will go out of this world a 10. The onlyone who can tell you that you are less than a 10 is you" - Paul J. Meyer

One thought on “What will the outcome of a global system crash be?

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